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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Luận án Một số phương pháp xử lý truy vấn mới trên cơ sở dữ liệu hướng đối tượng mờ

nd Fuzzy object Algebra. Definition. If E is an fuzzy object algebraic expression and Q fuzzy query object is FOQL together define a sets fuzzy object , we say Q represent E and the opposite, ZHFDOO(HTXLYDOHQWWR46\PERO(Đ4 Equal representation between the query language and algebra FOQL fuzzy object is expressed through two theorems 1 and 2 as follows: Theorems 1. Every algebraic expressions are fuzzy object represented by the object query in FOQL. Theorems 2. Every Fuzzy object in FOQL queries are represented by algebraic expressions fuzzy object Thus, the rewrite a given query into algebraic expressions with algebraic set objects are equivalent. The algebraic expressions can be estimated with different abatement costs. So theoretically we wanted to find an algebraic expression equivalent to a query so that it can achieve a plan for more effective enforcement. However, in the solution installed, because the number of queries equivalent too large, that we only need a subset of this query. Therefore, in order to find other similar queries, we will need a set of rules to transform the equivalent algebraic expressions. However, the model fuzzy object oriented data does not have a standard fuzzy algebraic objects applicable to all models of fuzzy object-oriented, so the expectation to have a normal training include modified protection laws Full equivalent does not exist. So, we wanted to prove that the transformation preserved on a basis equivalent algebraic fuzzy objects that may be acceptable In order to translate a FOQL query into Fuzzy Object Algebra, query processor translates each SELECT clause to Project (࣊), FROM clause to objects name(s) or their Cartesian, and WHERE clause to Select (࣌). 7KHTXHU\PHQWLRQHGHDUOLHUWR³UHWXUQWKHQDPHVRI<RXQJ6DOHVSHUVRQVZKR earned Age ' very old´FDQEHZULWWHQLQ)X]]\2EMHFW$OJHEUDDVIROORZV ࣊ࡺࢇࢋ ൬ ࣌୪ୢୗୟ୪ୣୱୣ୰ୱ୭୬ୱǤࢌࢊୀௌ௦௦௦Ǥࢌࢊٿ ୪ୢୗୟ୪ୣୱୣ୰ୱ୭୬ୱǤࢍࢋୀᇲ࢜ࢋ࢘࢟ࢊᇲ ሺ ൈ ݈ܵܽ݁ݏܲ݁ݎݏ݊ݏሻ ൰ However, query optimizer produces other equivalent alternative execution plans implemented in it so that a better plan in terms of execution time and resources may be found. 4.2.5 $OJHEUDLF2SWLPL]DWLRQ We previously identified the components of an algebraic optimizer. In this section, we discuss each of these components in some detail. 6HDUFK6SDFHDQG7UDQVIRUPDWLRQ5XOHV A major advantage of algebraic optimization is that an algebraic query expression can be transformed using well defined algebraic properties such as transitivity, commutatively and distributive. Therefore, each query has a (potentially large) number of equivalent expressions, which make up the search space. These expressions are equivalent in terms of the results that they generate, but may be widely different in terms of their costs. Thus, the query optimizers modify the query expressions, by means of algebraic transformation rules, in an attempt to obtain one which generates the same result with the lowest possible cost. The transformation rules are very much dependent upon the specific object algebra, since they are defined individually for each object algebra and for their combinations. The lack of a standard object algebra definition is particularly troubling since the community cannot benefit from generalizations of numerous object algebra studies. The general considerations for the definition of transformation are rules and the manipulation of query expressions is quite similar to relational systems, with one particularly important difference. Relational query expressions are defined on flat relations, whereas object queries are defined on classes (or collections or sets of objects) that have inheritance relationships among them. It is, therefore, possible to use the semantics of these relationships in object- oriented query optimizers to achieve some additional transformations. 6HDUFK$OJRULWKP Heuristics such as performing selections and projections before joins (to reduce the sizes of the join operands) do not change the combinatorial nature of the problem. Therefore, the value of N and the threshold beyond which combinatorial nature of the problem makes enumerative solutions infeasible becomes an important issue. Heuristic: 1. The parser of a high-level query generates an initial internal representation; 2. Apply heuristics rules to optimize the internal representation. 3. A query execution plan is generated to execute groups of operations based on the access paths available on the files involved in the query. The main heuristic is to apply first the operations that reduce the size of intermediate results. E.g., Apply fuzzy SELECT and fuzzy PROJECT operations before applying the fuzzy JOIN, or other binary operations. Outline of a Heuristic Fuzzy Object Algebraic Optimization Algorithm: 1) Using rule R2, break up any select operations with conjunctive conditions into a cascade of select operations. 2) Using inheritance laws for projection (R3), the selection and allows apply (R10) combination of projection, select a projection and a selection. 3) For each selection, use the law (R4, R6, R7, R10) "pushed" to allow select components to classes or "through" connection nodes and allows creation group. 4) For each projection (objects, sets, sets), using legislation (R3, R4, R5) to projection move down as far as possible. If the projected attributes include all the attributes of the expression, we remove that projection. 5) Using the law (R8,R9, R10) on the object class, to remove duplicate elements in the object class; move allows flattened (flat), lets remove duplicates in multiple files (bagtoset) ahead of the group or connection operations. 6) Creating a sequence of steps for estimating change in an order every star team for no group is evaluated, its subgroups. 7) Identify sub trees that represent groups of operations that can be executed by a single algorithm. 4.2.6 *HQHUDWLRQRI4XHU\([HFXWLRQ3ODQV After the query processor translates given FOQL statement to Fuzzy object Algebra it forwards that expression to query optimizer which generates various executions plans representing different orders or combinations of operators. There are a number of algebraic laws implemented in query optimizer for generating equivalent (logical) query plans. However, following are the most commonly used techniques that we also consider and implement in our tool: Simple, Elimination of Cartesian product, and Push selection. A. Simple Execution plan Query processor generates an equivalent relational algebraic expression for the input query and forwards it to the query optimizer. The first algebraic expression generated by the query processor involves Cartesian product that we call simple execution plan. Example 1: return names of OldSalesPersons who earned Age 'very old In FOQL it can be represented as: SELECT OldSalesPersons FROM OldSalesPersons, SalesPersons WITH 0.5 WHERE OldSalesPersons.FIOD=SalesPersons.FOID AND OldSalesPersons. Age = àvery ROGả WITH 0.8. In Fuzzy object Algebra above FOQL statement is represented as: ࣊ࡺࢇࢋ ቆ ࣌୪ୢୗୟ୪ୣୱୣ୰ୱ୭୬ୱǤࢌࢊୀௌ௦௦௦Ǥࢌࢊר୪ୢୗୟ୪ୣୱୣ୰ୱ୭୬ୱǤࢍࢋୀᇲ௩௬ௗᇲ ሺ݈ܵܽ݁ݏܲ݁ݎݏ݊ݏ ൈ ሻ ቇ old. Such queries are written as follows. SELECT * FROM OldSalesPersons, SalesPersons WITH 0.6 :+(5($1'2OG6DOHV3HUVRQV$JH àYHU\ROGả:,7+ The second query processing the extract filter data for single-case conditions and enable a natural join. Request query processing engine return all employees age is very old. Such queries are written as follows. SELECT Name FROM OldSalesPerson as O, SalesPersons as S WITH 0.6 :+(5(2),2' 6)2,'$1'2$JH àYHU\ROGả:,7+ The third query processing the extract filter data for single-case conditions and enable a natural join. After performing the optimization algebra objects. Request query processing engine return all employees age is very old. Such queries are written as follows. SELECT Name FROM SalesPersons as S inner join OldSalesPersons as O on O.FIOD=S.FOID WI7+:+(5(2$JH àYHU\ROGả:,7+ )LJXUH4XHU\SHUIRUPDQFH From the above experiments, results achieved confirm that the performance of this method is effective. 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